Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hand Analysis (Part II) Arch - Peace

Earlier in the week I wrote about the general concepts of Hand Analysis. Below I'm going to investigate the fourth of the four main types of fingerprints and their classifications. These are used in determining the Life Focus (or as IIHA refers to it Life School) in your fingerprints.

Tented Arch Type Pattern - Peace

The calling of an arch type pattern person is Peace. Their objective in this lifetime is to connect with their bodies and become comfortable in them so as to experience physical peace and have that as a reference to bring more peace into the world. Discovering this calling and expressing it is their life purpose.

The challenge for a peace person is learning to conquer panic. The call to internal peace is based on the challenge of overcoming discomfort of being in a human body, accidents, addictions and physical challenges can develop if the search for peace is not managed consciously. So this is the downfall and risk of peace, succumbing to panic.

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