Friday, April 3, 2009

Treasuring Me

Treasure Yourself.

It's my favorite thing to remind women of... and I too often forget to do it myself. So today was treasure me day. I blew off all those things I wanted to get done that are frankly, just not as important as taking care of me... and I went and played.

First off I actually got outside instead of being locked up in front of my computer all day. Hey! It's spring out there! The fluffy clouds were floating across the clear blue sky. Flowers are blooming everywhere and their smell in the air is grand.

So I took myself out to breakfast. Stopped at the bank for a brief moment of taskiness and errand running. Then it was off to the movies, then off to a pedicure. I stopped off at CVS and bought me some new red lipstick to wear out tonight.

Now I'm getting ready for my favorite men to come over then its off to social hour dinner and I get to wrap it up with an evening of my favorite rocker. Ahh, I love life!

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