Friday, February 27, 2009

Days of Random Hostility

You know, everyone has them. Or at least I think everyone has them. Ok, I know I have them. Those days when I'm pissed off at the world and feeling hosile. It feels like no one wants to talk about it though. But I will.

It usually starts with some small thing. That little teenie tiny moment when someone tweeks me the wrong way. When they say the wrong thing (How Rude!), look at me the wrong way (Annoying!) or have that flitting facial expession that leads me to jump to all sorts of wretched concluions about their lies and deception. Am I the only one who thinks this way? Are all you happy people running around with nary an evil thought behind your smiling little faces?

So that little small thing comes and goes. I think "no big deal". Then some other innocuous incident happens and the hostility creeps in... then one more thing and one more thing til I think just eradicating the entire population of the planet just to get some peace sounds like a good idea.

It makes a girl stressed out.

Well, usually I only have "one of those days" every once in a while. Now I've had two back to back. I'll do some soul searching and see who's to blame for this disaster.

In the meantime - don't cut anyone off today. It might be me you cut off. And you might be the last straw.

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