Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Life is Great, Thanks for Asking.

My bassist, Will, and I went for a hike today, and after we had exhausted the band chatter, we moved onto the big stuff - the rest of our lives. It's the dreaded question for any hardworking musician whose star is on the rise: "How's the rest of your life?" Ugh.

The truth is that the rest of my life is pretty good. And the other truth is that I don't currently care about the rest of my life like I currently care about my band life. Making sure we've got our stage set-up solid, our tones harmonious, and our song transitions smooth seems preferable to making sure the car payment has been mailed, the prescription cat food picked up, and the guest bedroom ready for our weekend visitor. Am I alone in thinking that the latter set is a big batch of bullshit?

I'm at a stage in my life where I don't want to be bothered with anything that isn't creative self-expression. All I currently care about is rocking and writing and nourishing my "artist brain". Try telling that to a husband with a seriously old-school work ethic - i.e. "Ya gotta' work hard!" and doom & gloom outlook for the future - i.e. "the economy sucks so we gotta' to work EXTRA HARD!" Yeah, it goes over like a fart in church.

So, where to go from here? How do I create balance between Band and Rest-of-Life without fucking one off for the other?

Maybe I should just remind him that Confucius says, "Happy wife, happy life", and hope for the best. Then again, maybe I should put a little more thought into it.

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