Saturday, March 28, 2009

Death by Wrinkles

Eeek, I love Vegas and this weather is killing me!

My hands are literally flaking off. I put my best most nourishing lotion on ten times a day. All to no avail! I woke up this morning and it looked like my hands aged 5 years in the last week.

And I've been chugging water in an attempt to stay hydrated. It doesn't seem to be working on any level. I don't know how people live in this desert. I'm so excited to be leaving today to go back to my own desert where at least I can sit under my trees.

I wanna get out of here before my face starts following my hands to the valley of death by wrinkles.

1 comment:

  1. I used to think that before I moved to LA - "It's so dry! How do people live like this!?!"

    Ya know what? They adapt!
