Sunday, March 29, 2009

Its Amazing what happens when I get out of my own way

I'm going into business with my father. Yes, that's right. My father. And I haven't even lost my mind. I was just returning his call from a few weeks ago and it all unfolded. And yes, it was an unreturned call from a few weeks ago. That should give you an idea of how fabulous our relationship has been.

I'm learning things about me and in realising that have discovered how easy it is to do things differently. So I called my dad and instead of tuning him out for saying things I didn't want to hear - I just changed the subject. I know. This isnt some crazy cool novel concept. Its just that I've spent so many years just letting him drone on that it had ceased to occur to me altogether that I am in control of my life and can do something as simple as change a subject.

So instead of chanting in my head "I don't want to hear this", I stopped an thought what do I want to hear. It was just that easy. The subject matter changed. We started having an actual conversation for the first time in years. Ideas bounced back and forth and next thing you know - a business was born. We even got thru negotiating percentages painlessly and in four minutes flat.

Its amazing what I get when I remember I'm in charge of my life and my experiences.

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