Saturday, March 7, 2009

Support Works!

I've just been contemplating the glory of having the other Divas in my life. I am so very appreciative and grateful for who they are and how they are with me. This space we have created is blooming because we are learning how to support each other better.

I have always had a hard time asking for help or letting people help me. That hasn't changed completely by any long stretch of the imagination. And I'm learning. I'm learning in my marriage, I'm learning in it ending, I'm learning in my friendships and even with my acquaintances. I am discovering its more than ok to ask for help - its necessary. And in letting people help me I am creating room for them to let me help them back.

There is a symmetry, connectedness I feel in the process of relationship building that is just critical to my make up. As I said to someone recently "I run on relationships", I really do. They are what make me tick, what energizes me and brings joy to my life. And in the last few years I have learned this new component of relationships called support. I haven't quite got it down, but I'm learning. And it works.

And some day it might even be easy.

Thanks Divas!

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