Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Equinox

Welcome to the first day of Spring! Today is the Spring Equinox, which is one of the two days in a year that the amount of daylight and night is approximately equal. From now on until the first day of summer the days will get progressively longer. Then the days will get shorter again. Autumn Equinox is the other day of the year when day and night are equal.

Equinoxes are celebrated in many cultures in many different ways. Traditionally a celebration of rebirth in ancient cultures, we now celebrate the resurrection of Christ shortly after the Equinox. Easter is in fact calculated by finding the Sunday following the first Full Moon after March 20th.

Every year the Equinoxes are on March 20th and September 20th, theoretically. The specific day and time that night and day are equal varies from place to place on the globe. For more information about the details see National Geographics Spring Equinox article.

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