Thursday, March 19, 2009

Death of a Scale - Part II

Yes, my scale is dead. I took that as a hint - no, jerk, not that kind of hint.

So I lost like 30 pounds last year. And then came January and flat line. Now, I made it through the holidays still losing weight and my husband filed for divorce in January so mostly I've just been really excited that I wasn't gaining anything. What worked last year was just focusing on having a more healthy lifestyle. I hardly ever got on my scale at all.

So we Divas have this little Diva Consequences game. So my fellow Divas were helping me out by adding losing weight to the game last month. Everything else we've done this with has been super productive so I was all excited. Then as soon as the game started I lost five pounds and got all excited. I was weighing in once a month for my deadline. So two days before the deadline, I go on a trip and start eating everything in sight. Yep you guessed it - right back to flatline. There were of course consequences (thus the name Diva Consequences) which is a whole nother story.

Then the game started over this month. Now that my scale is dead, I don't actually know if I've gained or lost so far this month. But I'm noticing the pants that were starting to get loose aren't so I'm taking that as a bad sign. So then I started thinking I needed to go get a new one and was planning my Target run(which of course, I kept procrastinating on) and then I realized The Universe is sending me a hint.

I did much better losing weight when I wasn't focused on how much I weigh. So I'm gonna take the hint. I do just fine without a TV. I don't know what the hell I need a scale for.....

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